When we think of PLR we mostly think of articles and eBooks, right? But now there are sites devoted to selling all kinds of PLR - including (but not limited to) the written word. Now you can find anything that can be digitally delivered that comes with private label rights.
You can find good quality audio and video. Even software is becoming more and more popular in the PLR arena. Imagine if you're in the health niche and you come across an entire private label rights e-course - complete with lessons of complementary audio and video tutorials for under $20. You could take that e-course, repackage it as an eBook and promote the audio as a $35 bonus. Let your imagination run with that one.
Video is the major media for communication and is always a favorite, so it makes sense to use it in your business as much and as often as you can work it in. Here is where video PLR would fill a need. So for the technically challenged, Google your "niche + PLR video" and see what's out there.
Or maybe you want to add a cool bit of software to your niche package to give it more value. There is PLR software for all kinds of applications and appropriate for many different niches.
While software carries its own troubles, like customer support if the software doesn't behave for your users, it can skyrocket your perceived value if you can manage to make it work in your niche.
But don't limit the use of the software to selling it or adding it as a bonus. There are all kinds of calculators or other interactive tools you could add to your website to make your customer experience more enjoyable while onsite.
You can take some of this software and if you're not a computer geek, head over to the Warrior forum or Digital Point forum and ask if someone there can help you rework the software to make it do what you want. The PLR just gave you a place to start from and that's often where many of the best ideas begin - on top of a basic one.
As you can see, PLR comes in any medium that's easy to download on the Internet. All it would take is for you to dig for the gold and then refine it to fit your personal style and your niche site. The possibilities of multi media PLR content are endless to the creative Internet entrepreneur.
If you found this content helpful, you can find lots more like it, that you are free to use for your own purposes, at my site: www.PLRContentSource.com