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The Importance of Video Marketing
The Importance of Video Marketing

Below are short excerpts of the quality content you will get in the documents of this collection.

The Importance of Video Marketing - Part I

As you know one of the most important aspects of your marketing campaign is to find ways to communicate to potential buyers what differentiates your business from others.  Called the unique selling proposition or USP, it gives people a reason to come to your store or location. There are well established companies, who have worked hard to establish their USP into a well known tagline.  For instance,

WalMart's USP is well known as "low prices every day".  However, there are some businesses, (startups and well established ones) that have a USP that takes more than a few words and or a few minutes to explain.  In other words, a buyer needs more time and more experience with the business's message in order to establish trust.  A tagline is not enough to help them to make a decision to visit the location. One of the best ways to bridge this trust and time gap is to use Internet Video. 

The Importance of Video Marketing - Part II

In a previous lesson, we discussed that online video was becoming a preferred way for people worldwide to get messages.  Video is growing as a preference among the activities on the web, and it is growing as a tool to get people to take action on marketing messages.  In some cases, where it is to the benefit of the business to establish trust with their buyer, video can be effective in bridging the gap as the buyer gets to know the business.


But for the business owners, managers and executives, probably one of the most important aspects of using this method is the cost to produce and broadcast Internet Video.  In terms of the potential reach, the cost is negligible. In fact, in most cases, uploading and broadcasting video is free. 

Video Marketing: Struggling with What to Say?

There has definitely been an explosion in the number of online video creation and watching since the 1990's.   And there is no end in sight for the growth every year.  As more new people come to the internet, they are all making video their priority. In most cases, every business can benefit from communicating with internet video, in some way. 


Whether, your communicate to prospects in order to get them into your marketing funnel, or to your existing customers to get them to buy again or to new buyers who need to know how to use and operate your product, most businesses can benefit from using internet video.   But most business owners don't struggle with the broad sense of what is possible to do with online video.  They struggle with what they can say to their customers and prospects that is unique and authentic.  We have an intuitive sense that with video, no one really wants to watch something that they find boring.  

Video Marketing: For Additional Sales

In a previous lesson we talked about video marketing as a tool to communicate a message to your prospects and customers.  Because you can use both audio and video to reach out to people in one media communication, you are able to be more personable and give the audience a sense that they know you. 


In that vein, one of the differences between internet video and commercial television is that a business owner can connect without having to have an extensive production budget.  That is not to say that a high quality commercial is ineffective.  Given the right context, it can work extremely well.  However, a properly promoted and/or positioned internet video, produced with a business' existing equipment can generate additional profits.

Video Marketing: Building Your Contact Database

Because video marketing allows you to connect with your prospects and customers in a personal sense, there are various ways to use it generate additional profits. In a previous article, we talked about the fact that one of the very best uses of internet video is to educate buyers on how to be effective in using the product or service.  


It is effective, first because it extends a positive customer experience to the buyer long after he or she has made their purchase.   But it is also important because it gives the video producer the opportunity to demonstrate the use of additional products or services that may enhance the experience of the buyer. 

Video Marketing Step By Step: How Much Of It Should I Do Myself? - Part I

Video marketing is a powerful way of getting a message to your customers.  It allows them to connect with people in your company, get a good look at your products and services and form an impression of whether or not they want to do business with you.  And the fact that people are watching online video in large numbers is not to be disputed. 


The largest and most active online video website is Youtube.Com.  About 43% of all internet videos viewed, are streamed from their website. You may be tempted say that percentage (43%) is unimpressive because it is less than half of all of the total videos watched. But to keep the number in context, the site with the second highest percentage among websites for videos served is Hulu.Com at 3.5%.  Therefore YouTube.Com can, to some degree, be used as a barometer for people's appetite for internet video. 

Video Marketing Step By Step: How Much Of It Should I Do Myself? - Part II

In the last lesson we discussed the growing need for businesses to use internet video to connect with their customers and prospects.  Once you really get a handle on this, the case for a business owner becomes whether or not they should be involved in the video creation process, the video promotion process as well the decision making on strategy.  All of three of these processes take time in order to have a video promotion campaign that generates more revenue. The benefits of adding video to your promotional mix is clear. 


What may be unclear is how much you can or want to do yourself.  In this series we hope to help you clarify this decision.   The first process to decide on is the video creation process.

Video Marketing Step By Step: How Much Of It Should I Do Myself? - Part III

Probably a more intricate decision will be whether or not you will want to be involved in the video's promotion.  When we use the term video promotion, we mean making sure that it can be found by the right kind of prospect or customer in order to entice them to take the action you want them to take.  For example, you can promote an instructional video or a marketing video, because you want to be seen by a maximum number of people.  


The process of promoting the video involves getting the video in front of people who are looking in search engines to solve a problem related to your video's subject. That will mean that you will need to treat your video or videos like any other website you have.  Search engine optimization will need to be done with the internet video so that people will find your video...

Video Marketing Step By Step: How Much Of It Should I Do Myself? - Part IV

There is yet another decision that you will need to make regarding your video creation and promotion.  That is the technical process of getting the video into a 'watchable' form on the internet.  Companies routinely take care of this step in two ways:      


1)         Some companies serve/stream the video from their own website

2)         Some companies serve/stream the video from a sharing website such as Youtube.Com


There are benefits to doing both and we will discuss them here so that you can make the best decision for your company.

Things to Do After Your Video Has Been Recorded

For some it is an accomplishment to complete a video recording for their business, and get it uploaded to When video marketing is new, the first production is the most difficult. As the business owner does more of them, the process gets easier. In addition to this, you'll have more energy to do more videos, when you begin to see traffic to your local store, as well as your website.


Once you begin regularly using video your marketing, there are a few things that will help to boost their effectiveness. If care for certain details and add them to your normal processing, you'll find that every video you produce will give you more of the results that you want in your business.

Ways to Do Video Marketing

One of the buzzwords today in small business marketing is "past customer reactivation". It is considered to be vital to a business because it is a method of promotion that does not require significant investments in cash.  Those companies that use e-mail marketing are positioned extremely well to undertake past customer reactivation.


The Strategy


The strategy assumes that a company already has in place a customer list that they contact routinely. It assumes that upon a customer making a purchase that the company collects the contact information of those individuals and places it in a separate database.

Final Marketing Measurements

Video Marketing has become one of the most effective ways to reach your target customer. Not only do you have the same promotional advantages that were once only associated web pages (SEO and Social Sharing), you also have the added benefit of a medium designed to make a personal connection with your viewer/customer. There are several different ways for you to use video in order to market your business. Here are a few to consider.


1. Animated or Whiteboard Video

Animated videos are used to draw the attention of the viewers' eyes and fixate them on your message. The action in the video is literally being created in front of the eyes of the viewer, in real time.


 The Importance of Video Marketing Content

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